How to Use sea otter in a Sentence
sea otter
In the water in the distance, a sea otter floats in the kelp.
—Washington Post, 3 Feb. 2022
Seals and sea otters peered out of the water at us along the way.
—Seth Liss, Los Angeles Times, 5 Oct. 2023
Walk along Cannery Row, watch the sea otters in the bay, hang out.
—Christopher Elliott, USA TODAY, 3 Nov. 2019
The exceptions to the 1,000-pound rule were whales on the large side and sea otters on the smaller end.
—Peter Fimrite, San Francisco Chronicle, 26 Mar. 2018
Here, a sea otter is seen using a rock to shake an abalone shell loose for a quick snack.
—Daisy Hernandez, Popular Mechanics, 14 Apr. 2022
If your partner asks you to turn back because a sea otter gave him a snarky look, do it.
—Caroline Van Hemert, Outside Online, 20 Apr. 2020
The main house at Bien Sur was built in 1971 and overlooks a sea otter preserve.
—David Caraccio, Sacramento Bee, 14 June 2024
Critters from sea otters to cephalopods have been observed using tools in the wild.
—John Timmer, Ars Technica, 22 Jan. 2018
The sea otter, a carnivore, strikes mollusk shells against rocks to get at the food inside.
—National Geographic, 12 Jan. 2023
Other new unique finds were an arm bone from an ancient sea otter -- and whale bones.
—CBS News, 22 Mar. 2018
The new moms teach the pups how to do sea otter things—like clean themselves, float on their backs, and use rocks to crack open sea urchins on their bellies.
—Matt Simon, Wired, 4 Nov. 2021
In the evening, build a campfire in the fire pit and roast marshmallows while watching for whales, seals or sea otters in the nearby cove.
—Erin Kirkland, Anchorage Daily News, 14 May 2018
The Homer Veterinary Clinic offered to care for the sea otter pup overnight.
—Tegan Hanlon, Anchorage Daily News, 27 Aug. 2019
To date, far more sea urchins have died than fish, raising concern about the survival of the sea otter, for whom sea urchins are a staple.
—National Geographic, 16 Oct. 2020
Snakes—not nearly as cuddly as, say, the northern sea otter—fare even worse than turtles when on the road.
—Susan Brackney, Discover Magazine, 6 Apr. 2016
In 1740, Russians invaded the area for its sea otter fur.
—Kathleen Sharp, ProPublica, 25 Apr. 2023
Yet so do sea otters, fish and even some insects, such as ants that sop up honey in spongy matter.
—Ben Guarino, Anchorage Daily News, 30 Dec. 2019
The Salmon River runs through town, and Icy Strait is home to salmon, halibut, seals, humpback whales, orcas, and sea otters.
—Patricia Doherty, Travel + Leisure, 17 Apr. 2023
For this team of researchers, there was nothing new about wolves eating sea otters.
—Katie Hill, Outdoor Life, 2 Nov. 2023
Snails eat these substances and, in turn, are then targeted by sea otters.
—Meilan Solly, Smithsonian, 30 Aug. 2019
Here’s a link to our newest sea otter research paper and a bonus otter gif!
—Jessica Leigh Hester, WIRED, 7 May 2018
Joey, an adorable baby sea otter that was rescued in June and is now being streamed 24/7 from his nursery.
—Tanner Saunders, Travel + Leisure, 12 Aug. 2020
The two sea otters pups were rescued in June and were taken to Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium.
—Kelli Bender,, 20 Dec. 2019
The sea otter is the smallest North American sea mammal.
—Allison Futterman, Discover Magazine, 6 Nov. 2024
Southern sea otters were thought to be extinct until the early 1900s.
—Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY, 20 Dec. 2024
Most decisions on sea otter management are beyond the purview of the state Board of Fisheries.
—Laine Welch, Anchorage Daily News, 21 Jan. 2018
The classic photo here is a sea otter on its back, paddling, with its favorite rock to crack open sea urchins resting on its chest.
—Tom Stienstra, San Francisco Chronicle, 2 June 2018
In the absence of sea otters, the crabs have been living in the Elkhorn Slough estuary without its main predator around, Hughes said.
—Julia Jacobo, ABC News, 31 Jan. 2024
If time in Homer allows, book a Kachemak Bay wildlife cruise to spot sea otters, seals, whales, and puffins before jetting back to Anchorage.
—Stephanie Vermillion, USA TODAY, 19 Oct. 2024
These areas tend to have fewer southern sea otters and more European green crabs.
—Sarah Kuta, Smithsonian Magazine, 30 Dec. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'sea otter.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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